Summer in New York City 

Hello, Friends!

Just a quick note to announce late-breaking news about not one, but TWO hometown NYC shows in July – one in Manhattan and one in my beloved Brooklyn. Join me at one – or BOTH!

6PM Tuesday, July 2nd
196 Allen Street, New York NY
Playing a set of tunes drawn mostly from my upcoming album project – NO COVER!

5PM Saturday, July 20th
506 5th Avenue, Brooklyn NY
Accompanying my friend BEV GRANT on bass and opening the set with a few tunes of my own.

And yes, I'm finally…

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The Great Unknown 

Hello, Friends!

In the blink of an eye, Spring has turned to Summer, and in that same oh-so-brief interval, my focus has turned from music to theatre – for the the present moment, at least.

Now, I know the reason you signed up for this mailing list is musical, but it's no secret that my creatively formative years were spent mostly as an actor. Recently, I've returned to that pursuit – mostly doing background work for TV and the occasional short film – but have not actively sought theatre work because of the…

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It's still pretty darn chilly here in Brooklyn, but I choose to believe Spring has sprung. Not just because my calendar tells me so, or because I have spotted crocuses and daffodils in bloom, but because I no longer feel like the day is over at 4:30PM, which is the time I'm writing this missive. Say what you will about Daylight Saving Time, but I am selfishly in favor of it. I secretly call it Sanity Saving Time. More light longer into the evening makes me feel more alive and optimistic, no matter what the…

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February gets a bad rap 

It's February! 

Now, I know most people are just not that excited about this second month of the year, given its reputation for cold temperatures, dreary skies and that famously depressing, disappointing, or delightful (depending on who you ask) holiday named for a 3rd century Roman clergyman who lost his head for Jesus… 

Personally, I love February. I came into the world in February, and though my birthday is dangerously close to that famous martyr's feast day, sharing my personal spotlight with Saint…

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Happy New Year! 

Happy New Year! 

2023 went by in a flash. That seems to happen every year, and every year, that flash seems even flashier. And every January, I tell myself the same story – no matter how I have spent my time, no matter what I have accomplished, it never seems to be enough. And that's just not not true. Sound familiar?

So, despite the fact that backward glances depress me (and forward gazes frighten me), I decided to do a little accounting of what I actually did during the past twelve months. 

For starters,…

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Hot NEW Shows in August!  

Hi Friends! 

Hope August is treating you well… Just a quick note to let you know we've added TWO SHOWS to the Summer 2023 schedule – CS in-the-round in Manhattan on August 15th, plus NO FUSS AND FEATHERS in Brooklyn on August 19th! 

NYC, NEW JERSEY, and PHILADELPHIA, I'm looking at YOU! See below for details… 

Happy Summer, everyone!


Show details:

Tuesday, August 15 at 7PM
CAROLANN SOLEBELLO at In the Round at Herald Square 

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Summer 2023  

“Summertime and the living is easy…”

Easy? I imagine some of us might have a bone to pick with DuBose Heyward over that particular lyrical choice, but hey, perhaps it's aspirational…

Or maybe it's just a reminder to linger a little longer in languid moments and enjoy the heck out whatever sweetness these next few months may bring – say, for instance, juicy nectarines, heirloom tomatoes, fresh corn, and LIVE MUSIC everywhere! 

So, for the sake of brevity in these long and languid days, I'll spare you a lengthy…

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Carolann's Big Midwestern Adventure 

Hello, friends ~

June is tapping at my door, and I'm not ready yet! Seems she's got a big Midwestern adventure planned for me…


But before that happens, I'm heading to the Jersey shore on Saturday, June 3rd, to join my friend George Wirth for the season finale of his Words and Music Songwriter Series at the Belmar Arts Center. Being onstage with George is always a joy, and the support he and his wife Brenda have given me for more years than I can count fills my heart with gratitude. Join us for a very special…

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April Shows 

Hello, friends! 

Ohmygoodness, April is half over already and I'm just now checking in… 

March was an absolute whirlwind, what with a deliciously fun run of shows with NO FUSS AND FEATHERS, a principal role in a short film, and more TV background acting. Of course, I'm not allowed to tell you anything about any of the scenes I was involved in, nor have I any idea when any of the episodes will air, but suffice it to say that eagle-eyed fans of Succession, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Feud, or Severance just migh

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Marching forward... 

Hello, friends! 

February flew by so fast I barely had time to appreciate the fact that, save a few sub-zero days at the top of the month, it was far less brutal than your typical New York City February. So much so that on a mid-month OUTDOOR background acting job for a TV episode set on a hot Summer day, we actors did not need to act very much at all. It's a wild world these days, I suppose. I try to enjoy the moment and forget the larger implications of all that wildness, but I digress…

As for music-making,…

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Photo by Janice Brill.